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Click N Fetch

By Dog People for Dog People

Click N Fetch is marketplace for independent sellers - we're all dog people just like you

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A growing collection of ideas and information shared by one and all. We welcome you to send us a question to look into, an article you found interesting and of course any handy tips and experience you'd like to share so that others may learn
22 Oct Famous for their Height
0 227
The last two record holders for Tallest Living Dog, were both Great Danes.World’s tallest dog ever. Zues a great dane was 3 feet, 8 inches tall and 7 feet, 4 inches standing on his hind legs.ref: Guin..
05 Aug Basic Whelping Kit  List
0 2415
The list below is intended to give new dog breeders some help on putting your whelping kit together and includes the basic items most often used. You’ll find some options below and it’s really just a ..
02 Dec Pedigree Dog Breeds in NZ
0 2814
There are 224 breeds of pedigree dogs recognised by Dogs New Zealand (formerly the New Zealand Kennel Club)and these breeds are categorised within seven groups Toys, Terriers, Gundogs, Hounds, Working..
02 Dec Gestational Development
0 2236
The gestation period for dogs is between 57 - 63 days approximately nine weeks. Why the variance because we commonly count the days from mating rather than from ovulation. Mainly due to the fact that ..
02 Dec Common Dog  Breeding & Whelping Terms
2 2167
It's easy to forget that we use jargon when discussing our breeding plans and whelping experiences with other breeders, until a new or less experienced breeder joins the conversation. So here’s a star..